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Each division and age level utilizes different fields for play. These fields are distributed between the Freeman Kennedy Elementary School and the Recreational Facilities at Pond Street.

Freeman Fields

Field Maintenance

Keeping our fields in tip top shape requires a lot of maintenance and people pitching in their time and energy. Although the recreation department of the town of Norfolk regularly spends money to repair fields and coordinates field maintenance during the season, it is the efforts of our coaches, volunteers, and parents that allow us to have great field conditions during the season.

It is important however that when we pitch in to help rake the fields that we are doing so in the proper manner. Incorrect raking can result in premature field erosion and a poor playing experience for the kids, not to mention additional money from the town and taxpayers.

If you are a coach or volunteer, or even a parent willing to chip in, PLEASE watch the following video on how to properly rake fields before and after games and practices.

Current League Bat Rules

As a Cal Ripken/Babe Ruth chartered association, Norfolk Baseball follows the bat rules laid out by that organization, which can be located here.  All divisions require a USA Baseball stamped bat.  The only exception is the Norfolk Cannons AAU league which allows USSSA stamped bats.

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct for Players

As a player for the Norfolk Baseball Association, I agree to:

  • Respect my manager and coaches. Managers and coaches are volunteers who donate their time to our organization and my appreciation of their help should be reflected in all my actions on the playing field. It is my duty to listen to and follow the directions of my manager and coaches and to obey the rules they set forth for my team.
  • Respect my team members and other players. I will not insult, criticize, or verbally abuse any other player. Such behavior does not promote team spirit and undermines the values and principles of the Norfolk Baseball Association.
  • Never resort to physical threats or actions to rectify a situation. Physical outbursts are unacceptable and will be dealt with using a zero-tolerance policy. Any occurrence will be immediately directed to the Executive Board.
  • Always display good sportsmanship. As a representative of the Norfolk Baseball Association, it is my duty to always reflect the characteristics of fair play. I will display healthy competition, but I will not lower the standards of the Norfolk Baseball Association by engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct.
  • Be a contributor to the Norfolk Baseball Association. I play baseball not only for my own personal benefit but also as a representative of the Norfolk Baseball Association and the community. I will always give 100% to my team by doing the best job that I can.
  • Be proud to be a player for the Norfolk Baseball Association. And have FUN doing it!
Code of Conduct for Parents
Code of Conduct for Managers and Coaches
Code of Conduct for Umpires
Manager and Coaches Code of Conduct Regarding Umpires

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