About us

Introduction to Norfolk Baseball

Norfolk Baseball Association is a non-profit, volunteer organization. It is the overseeing governing body for the organized Cal Ripken and Babe Ruth baseball programs in the Town of Norfolk.

To paraphrase the great John Wooden, “What you are as a person is far more important than what you are as a baseball player”.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Norfolk Baseball Association to provide an opportunity for all Norfolk children to play and learn the game of baseball, help improve their skills and confidence, promote the principles of good sportsmanship and integrity, self-respect and respect for others, and to do so within a safe, fun, and nurturing environment.

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As a league, we try and achieve this mission through the facilitation of managed practices and competitive baseball games. The managers shall bear in mind that the attainment of exceptional athletic skill or the winning of games is always secondary to the instilment of those values in our children.

While the program has seen a large number of highly skilled kids come through, it's intended to be geared toward all players of every level.  All residents are valued in our program and we endeavor to treat all kids fairly and equitably.  Everyone's baseball experience is of equal importance, regardless of talent level.

Norfolk Baseball is run by volunteer members, who annually elect an Executive Board to oversee the day-to-day operation of the baseball programs. Monthly meetings are open to the public. All matters concerning financial expenditures, policy, and baseball programs are decided by the membership at these monthly meetings. To maintain voting privileges at the general meetings you simply need to attend a minimum of six (6) meetings within the previous twelve (12) months.

The baseball programs maintained by the association serve Norfolk’s youth from the age of 6 through the age of 18. Players aged 5 start out in Tee ball and can, at their own pace, progress all the way through the system to Babe Ruth.



Norfolk Baseball started in 1958. Some of the original founders included some well-known names around town, including Win Bowden, Arthur and George Cronin, Fran Faulkner, Bill Murphy, Ole Oleson, Bill Pitt, and William Salisbury, along with many others.

In their inaugural season, the Braves beat the Cardinals 6-4 to win the championship. As the town and its interest in baseball continued to grow, in 1962 the league added two more teams. In 1964, the Tigers beat the Giants 5-3 with Chuck Stone pitching the deciding game.

In the following years, Norfolk Baseball continued to expand, adding more fields to accommodate town growth, as well as different age levels of baseball. To help facilitate this growth, and to keep registration fees low for families, sponsorships were added in partnership with local businesses.

In more recent years, Norfolk Baseball has added dugouts and a new scoreboard to improve the majors field at Pond Street.

Current Elected Board Members and Volunteers

Appointed Volunteer Positions