Norfolk Baseball Association is a volunteer run organization, and we are constantly looking at our league to better understand how we can continuously improve the experience for our players, parents, and town.

As we approach the off-season, we are asking you, our great baseball community, for your feedback. We know that the most important feedback we can receive is from our parents, coaches, and families.

Between now and September 30th, we are asking you to share your feedback with us by either sending us a note through the website by and reaching out via the “Contact Us” form, or you can email  We welcome both positive feedback and information on areas the league can improve. If you would like your feedback to remain anonymous please note that when contacting the league.

We also appreciate detailed suggestions as to more significant changes to Norfolk Baseball. We ask that any of these larger suggestions specifies which season it would impact (i.e. Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Clinics).  Additionally, these suggestions should answer two vital questions: “What problem does this solve?” and “How will this change improve Norfolk Baseball”.  Topics received will be discussed starting in our October monthly meeting.

Thank you very much for another amazing season, and we look forward to hearing from many of you!